
Llamamos a todos y a todas no a soñar, sino a algo más simple y definitivo, los llamamos a despertar. - Sup Marcos (1/enero/1999)


“Porque en el fondo, uno ama al mundo a partir de la certeza que este mundo, triste mundo convertido en campo de concentración, contiene otro mundo posible. O sea, que el horror está embarazado de maravilla.” -Eduardo Galeano

lunes, 2 de agosto de 2010

"A List of the Delusions of the Insane: What They Are Afraid Of" -David Antin

"A List of the Delusions of the Insane: What They Are Afraid Of" -David Antin
the police
being poisoned
being killed
being alone
being attacked at night
being poor
being followed at night
being lost in a crowd
being dead
having no stomach
having no insides
having a bone in the throat
losing money
being unfit to live
being ill with a mysterious disease
being unable to turn out the light
being unable to close the door
that an animal will come in from the street
that they will not recover
that they will be murdered
that they will be murdered when they sleep
that they will be murdered when they wake
that murders are going on all around them
that they will see the murderer
that they will not
that they will be boiled alive
that they will be starved
that they will be fed disgusting things
that disgusting things are being put into their food and drink
that their flesh is boiling
that their head will be cut off
that children are burning
that they are starving
that all of the nutriment has been removed from food
that evil chemicals have been placed in the earth
that evil chemicals have entered the air
that it is immoral to eat
that they are in hell
that they hear people screaming
that they smell burnt flesh
that they have committed an unpardonable sin
that there are unknown agencies working evil in the world
that they have no identity
that they are on fire
that they have no brain
that they are covered with vermin
that their property is being stolen
that their children are being killed
that they have stolen something
that they have too much to eat
that they have been chloroformed
that they have been blinded
that they have gone deaf
that they have been hypnotized
that they are the tools of another power
that they have been forced to commit murder
that they will get the electric chair
that people have been calling them names
that they deserve these names
that they are changing their sex
that their blood has turned to water
that insects are coming out of their body
that they give off a bad smell
that houses are burning around them
that people are burning around them
that children are burning around them
that houses are burning
that they have committed suicide of the soul

No hay comentarios.:

....espacio para no olvidar ....

.... la memoria es, ya, una esperanza....

... Memorial de Agravios... para muestra, basta un espejo...

... civiles asesinados durante la guerra en irak ...

... por ustedes rebeldes, rebeldes seremos...

... por ustedes rebeldes, rebeldes seremos...
Foto de Pedro Valtierra